World Of Websites

Course Description

The world wide web is considered the ultimate repository of knowledge, accessible to every single person on the planet. This course is a sneak peek into how the internet works and how contents are created and published over the web. Using exercises and activities, learn hands-on how to create websites with attractive contents.

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Skills You Will Gain

  • Students unravel the mystery of web content creation.
  • They are exposed to all the technology related aspects of building a website, managing the content and hosting it.

Student Learning Goals


Any browser application like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge

  • What do you learn
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Featured Courses

  • 20 Sessions
  • Grade : 1 Above

Block Based Coding

Game based Block Coding

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  • 19 Sessions
  • Grade : 3 Above

Text Based Coding

Game based Text Coding

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  • 22 Sessions
  • Grade : 5 Above

Coding to Solve Problems

Problem Solving Activity based Coding

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  • 25 Sessions
  • Grade : Adult

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  • 25 Sessions
  • Grade : Adult

Java Fundamentals

  • Java Fundamentals
  • Methods
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Data structures – Arrays and ArrayLists
  • Final Project
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  • 34 Sessions
  • Grade : Adult

Python Fundamentals

  • Basic Python and Console Interaction
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Strings
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  • 45 Sessions
  • Grade : Adult

Web Development Fundamentals

  • Basic Web Page Development
  • Dynamic Web
  • Web Application Architecture
  • Web Framework
  • Database

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  • 25 Sessions
  • Grade : Adult

World Of Websites

  • Web basics
  • HTML and Styling
  • Scripting for dynamic web pages
  • An introduction to jQuery
  • Responsive Web and CMS
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